Barrel stabilizationBarrel stabilization Most airsoft guns are composed of an inner barrel (The one that fit the bb size of 6mm) and an outer barrel that looks like the real deal, hiding the inner barrel. On most guns this design results in the inner barrel being able to move around inside the outer barrel. It’s only less than a millimeter of movement, but at a distance of 60meters that results in centimeters of inaccuracy. This combined with the unavoidable inaccuracy from Wind etc. Can result in a miss that could have hit. With AEG's shooting 20 bb’s per second it’s not a big problem but still an issue. Snipers on the other hand shoots maybe 1 bb every 2-3 seconds so a miss may result in being detected and shot. How To minimize or totally eliminate this design flaw you have to make the inner barrel fixed in position. This can be done in many ways. But glue is generally a bad idea! Because it prevents the gun from being opened and fixed if something goes wrong later on in life. So instead of glue use Teflon tape (the same plumbers use on pipes). The advantage is that it’s ultra-thin making it possible to attach a very precise thickness so you don’t have force the barren in place after attaching it. It also has the advantage of being glue free, so you won’t end up with a barrel full of sticky glue after a hot summer day. Important When a gunsmith (or airsoft mechanic) fixes a gun barrel in place you want as little movement as possible so all the places where the barrel touches the rest of the gun you want a tight fit. So if your gun (like the one I use in this demo pictures) has 2 contact points (the hop up and muzzle end) then both need tape to the point where you have a tight fit without having to force it in place. Sniper rifles often have long barrels with foam rings as contact points, to increase stability just add more foam rings to limit the possibility of movement. Other models have full barrel length contact (like most m4 have). In these cases the whole barrel should be wrapped, or alternatively just both ends and a single point in the middle. The main thing when doing barrel stabilization is to get consistency, because if you have a gun that shoots straight every shot, then the rest can be compensated for with the sights. So you want to minimize the possibility of movement in the barrel, so the more the inner barrel is fixed in position the better. Rubber fixing As you can see in the Pictures I have fist put a layer of Teflon tape on the outer end of the hop up rubber to fix the barrel in place inside the hop up unit. How many layers of tape you need depends on the gun (not the type of gun because all guns are different even guns of same type). Note that this step is also a part of the “air pressure seal” guide because a tight fit in the hop up also limits air leaks. So when doing this also try to close off air leaks. When doing this you are looking for a thickness where you have to press hard to put the barrel and rubber into the unit, but so loos you don’t need tools or anything (only your hands). Hop up unit After reassembling the hop up with barrel, the hop up also needs a go with the tape. Because the hop up itself is of cause attached the gun frame. And most guns don’t fix the unit in place with screws. So you will also need to use Teflon tape where the hop up is touching the gun. Again a tight fit without having to use excessive force and risk something breaking. Next Page |